Friday, March 1, 2013


Brother Clayton Matthew Koerner was born in 1943. He attended several high schools, including schools in Topeka Kansas and Staples Connecticut, and U.S. Grant High School in Valley Village, California. He graduated from Cleveland High School in the West San Fernando Valley. 
Brother Koerner was initiated into the Phi Delta Psi Fraternity in the Fall of 1962. He was our Brotherhood's 330th initiate.He served as the Student Body President of Pierce College, and was voted Man of the Year prior to being drafted into the Army during the Vietnam War. 

 Br. Clay Koerner - Calabasas, California 2013
(click on image to enlarge it.)

Brother Koerner earned an Associate of Arts degree from Pierce College and attended California State University Northridge, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree.
Clay and Teena share three children: Shane, Chance and Tawny. Shane M. Koerner is a Special Ed School Teacher. Shane is married to  Mindy They have a boy named Shaun.  Chance is a member of the Bakersfield Police Department, Motors. Chance is married to Allison. They have two children, Taylor and Kayla. Their daughter Tawny is a single mom and career woman. She works for Alliance Brokers & Consultants and has a son Dylan.
  Br. Koerner has been living and working in the Bakersfield, Kern County area for the past 20 years having moved from Carpenteria. Clay is the owner and principal of Alliance Brokers & Consultants. His company provides insurance and investment management for group and individual clients. Clay's chief interests are politics and work. He is the Scholarship Chairman of the Maple Leaf Society.

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